Table of Contents
- Macros for Elemental Shaman
- Rotational Abilities
- Cooldowns
- Utility
- Talent Tree Swap depending on talents
Macros for Elemental Shaman
This page lists useful macros for playing as an Elemental Shaman in Dragonflight. It is sorted into Rotational Abilities, Cooldowns, Utility and Talent Tree Swap. If you have suggestions to improve macros found on this page, or additional macros that are missing, please use the Storm, Earth & Lava Discord Server to report issues, alternatively seek out an Elemental MVP or Moderator on the Earthshrine Discord Server.
Disclaimer: Your client must be in English for these macros to work. If you play in another language, the abilities must be translated to your client’s language.
Rotational Abilities
Flame Shock
This macro will cast Flame Shock at your current Mouseover target if it is an enemy, otherwise will cast it on your current target.
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Flame Shock
Frost Shock
This macro will cast Frost Shock at your current Mouseover target if it is an enemy, otherwise will cast it on your current target.
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Frost Shock
Primordial Wave
This macro will cast Primordial Wave at your current Mouseover target if it is an enemy, otherwise will cast it on your current target.
/use [@mouseover,harm,exists][harm]Primordial Wave
Note: If your Covenant is set to Necrolord in Shadowlands, you may need to add (Shadowlands) immediately after Primordial Wave, or shift-click the ability from your spellbook while editing the macro. You can also change your covenant in Oribos to forget about this problem forever.
This macro will cast Earthquake at the current location of your cursor without targeting reticule.
/use [@cursor]Earthquake
Primordial Elementalist or Liquid Magma Totem
This macro will use either Stormfury or Meteor when Primal Elementalist is talented, or Liquid Magma Totem at your Cursor location if it is talented.
/use [known:Liquid Magma Totem,@cursor]Liquid Magma Totem;[noknown:Liquid Magma Totem,known:Storm Elemental]Tempest;[noknown:Liquid Magma Totem,known:Fire Elemental]Meteor
Elemental and Primordial Elementalist
This macro will summon your currently talented Elemental, and when pressed again the associated Primal Elementalist spell for them.
/use [pet:Primal Storm Elemental]Tempest;[pet:Primal Fire Elemental]Meteor
/use [known:Storm Elemental]Storm Elemental;[known:Fire Elemental]Fire Elemental
Note: This macro does not include Liquid Magma Totem.
Dismiss pet
This macro requires the following Weakaura to work, and will dismiss your currently summoned elementals whenever you use it. This is mostly used on Earth Elemental.
/click MyTotemFrame1
/click MyTotemFrame2
/click MyTotemFrame3
/click MyTotemFrame4
Interrupts - Wind Shear
There are many ways to macro interrupt abilities, below are some examples only use whichever setup enables you to play most reliably:
Focus Kick
This macro will use Wind Shear at your Focus if you have one, otherwise will interrupt your current target.
/use [@focus,harm,exists,nodead][]Wind Shear
Mouseover Kick
This macro will use Wind Shear on current Mouseover target if it is an enemy, otherwise will interrupt your current target.
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Wind Shear
Focus + Mouseover Kick
This macro will use Wind Shear at your Focus if you have one, try on your current Mouseover target if it is an enemy, otherwise will interrupt your current target.
/use [@focus,harm,exists,nodead][@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Wind Shear
Specific target Kick
This macro works for specific interrupt uses, if you dislike using Focus or Mouseovers.
/tar *enemy name here*
/use Wind Shear
This macro will use Hex at your Focus if you have one, try on your current Mouseover target if it is an enemy, otherwise will Hex your current target.
/use [@focus,harm,exists,nodead][@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Hex
Purge/Decurse single macro
This macro will use in that order:
- Purge or Greater Purge on your Mouseover target if it is an enemy,
- Cleanse Spirit on your Mouseover target if it is an enemy,
- Purge or Greater Purge on current target if it is an enemy,
- Cleanse Spirit on your current target if it is an ally.
/use [known:Purge,@mouseover,harm,nodead]Purge;[known:Greater Purge,@mouseover,harm,nodead]Greater Purge;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Cleanse Spirit;[known:purge,harm]Purge;[known:Greater Purge,harm]Greater Purge;[]Cleanse Spirit
Note: This macro only works for Elemental and Enhancement. Restoration Shaman have Purify Spirit for their dispel.
Chains Lightning/Heal single macro
This macro will use in that order:
- Chain Lightning on your Mouseover target if it is an enemy,
- Chain Heal on your Mouseover target if it is an enemy,
- Chain Lightning on current target if it is an enemy,
- Chain Heal on your current target if it is an ally.
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead]Chain Lightning;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Chain Heal;[harm]Chain Lightning;[]Chain Heal
Healing Surge
This macro will cast Healing Surge at your current Mouseover target if it is an ally, otherwise will cast it on yourself.
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][]Healing Surge
Elemental Shields
This macro will cast Earth Shield on yourself if you press Shift while using it, otherwise it will cast Lightning Shield on yourself.
/use [mod:shift,@player]Earth Shield;[nomod]Lightning Shield
Earthbind Totem
This macro will cast Earthbind Totem at the current location of your cursor without targeting reticule.
/use [@cursor]Earthbind Totem
Capacitor Totem
This macro will cast Capacitor Totem at the current location of your cursor without targeting reticule.
/use [@cursor]Capacitor Totem
Totemic Projection
This macro will cast Totemic Projection at the current location of your cursor without targeting reticule.
/use [@cursor]Totemic Projection
Talent Tree Swap depending on talents
Fire Elemental and Storm Elemental
This macro will cast either Fire Elemental or Storm Elemental depending on your talent choice.
/use [known:Storm Elemental]Storm Elemental;[known:Fire Elemental]Fire Elemental
Spirit Walk / Gust of Wind
This macro will cast either Spirit Walk or Gust of Wind depending on your talent choices.
/use [known:Spirit Walk]Spirit Walk;[known:Gust of Wind]Gust of Wind
Stoneskin Totem / Tranquil Air Totem
This macro will cast either Stoneskin Totem or Tranquil Air Totem depending on your talent choices.
/use [known:Stoneskin Totem]Stoneskin Totem;[known:Tranquil Air Totem]Tranquil Air Totem