The new face of Storm, Earth & Lava
Greetings Elemental Shamans!
The Elements called for a new design and here it is! But wait, there’s more!
The SE&L team decided a few months ago to re-launch the website with a completely new design and depart from our original WordPress site. With the re-launch came a minor re-branding to modernise our image. The talented Dahlia designed our new logo:
In addition to this re-branding, we’ve re-written the website from the ground up using Jekyll and Github Pages. We put many hours of work into crafting this resource for you, the community, and we’re very proud to show it off at last.
This change has also allowed us to streamline our updating process for the future, as WordPress was a struggle to deal with, especially when managing multiple people working on the same page. We’ve used a much more formal management approach for SE&L 2.0, and will continue to do so as we provide quality content throughout Battle for Azeroth and beyond. In addition to this, we have made a public issue tracker on Github so users can report any issues with the site. However, if you’re uncomfortable with Github, you can still contact us on Discord or Twitter.
The future
Going forward, we want to continue providing excellent information for Elemental Shamans. All important information is accessable via the top menu. But keep an eye out for posts on the main page. There you will find helpful or interesting information that doesn’t fit in a guide. We have a blog planned for release on Friday the 20th of July which will cover the process of theorycrafting behind Tuesday’s Maelstrom generation changes.
If you ever wondered how much time goes into creating and maintaining this guide: We don’t know, because we don’t clock it. We do what we do, because we love to provide well founded information. If you consider our invested time worthy of some support for the page or just because you think, we’re cool, we’re now offering a way to support us via Patreon. Rest assured, no content will be artificially delayed, excluded, or otherwise gated. Patrons will receive some rewards, which can be found on the Patreon page, with the potential for more rewards to come.
The Storm, Earth & Lava Team